
Why Media Outlets Are Expanding Cryptocurrency Coverage

When launching a brand, product, or service, the people who stand to benefit need to know about it. If not, how could you ever expect your brand, product, or service to launch into the stratosphere of success? 

These people who stand to benefit from your impact should be your number one priority. But, reaching those people is easier said than done, and you likely can’t do it on your own — you need help from the press. Often, companies, politicians, celebrities, and other public figures and entities enlist PR firms to handle this sort of thing, which makes sense. 

Ideally, you have the resources to enlist one of these reputable PR firms you keep hearing about. PR firms worth their price tag will utilize both proven and innovative ways to earn media coverage that impacts local community, target audience, and mirrors a business’s PR objectives. 

Interdependence is a performance-driven PR firm supercharged by the most advanced AI and predictive analytics to maximize consistent media placements in prestigious media and industry outlets. 

Schedule a consultation with our PR experts and start seeing results

In order for a cryptocurrency to stay alive, it’s important that everybody gets involved. There needs to be a healthy community surrounding a cryptocurrency ensuring the future of these technologies and that they’re kept in the hands of the majority of a global population. 

Sounds like a lot to keep in mind, doesn’t it? If cryptocurrency PR is something you’d rather not handle alone, maybe it’s time to enlist the services of an experienced cryptocurrency PR firm. Interdependence Public Relations offers complimentary consultations to get you started. We’re a driving force behind many of today’s top notch brands. Contact us today to start gleaning remarkable, trackable results. 


PR Firms Utilizing Advanced Technology

Ask 5 people what “Technology” is and you’ll get 5 different answers, from the everyday (mobile phones, coffee makers, DVRs) to the fantastic (robot butlers,